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Howard Zinn Centennial Week Events

Throughout the week of the 100th anniversary of Howard Zinn’s birth on Aug. 24, 1922, there will be events for educators, archivists, and the wider community to learn from Zinn’s life and work — and to share the many ways that people continue to document and teach people’s history.

The events, from August 22 – 25, 2022, are free and online.

Register here for one or more of the sessions below:

Tuesday, August 23: Teaching outside the textbook about the red scare: subversives in labor organizing and the black freedom struggle

Wednesday, August 24: You can’t be neutral on a moving train: people’s historians and artists commemorate Howard Zinn’s 100th anniversary

Thursday, August 25: Radicalizing the archives: compiling a whole new world about the lives, desires, and needs of ordinary people

August 20

Negra, Negra, Negra Soy

August 23

Lasting Legacies: The Story of Adam Jackson