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Teaching about the Eugenics Movement in Connecticut: Racism and Resistance

Since this January, Daniel HoSang, Dora Guo, Eve Galanis and Bethsaida Nieves  have been working with teacher and students to develop new and accessible teaching materials related to the history and legacies of the Eugenics Movement.

Join us as we explore how one can teach this subject to foster a deeper understanding of the way in which eugenic thinking influenced our nation's approach to issues of race, gender, sexuality, mental health and disabilities, as well as how these ideas, promulgated by some of Connecticut’s foremost scholars, influenced eugenic thinking throughout the world.

Thursday,  March 30, 2023 • 6:30 to 8:00 pm ET
online • free and open to the public • register here

December 14

Teaching Connecticut’s Shade Tobacco Industry